“But he who dares not grasp the thorn
Should never crave the rose.”
Anne Brontë

Friday, March 2, 2012

February Recap through Instagrams

Right to left:
1. Mom's text a minute before the Giants become the Superbowl XLVI Champs! 2. Adventures with Stephen. 3 & 4. Valentines day treats made with Stephen. <3 5. Ben & Jerry's Exclusive Banana Cream Pie Flavor. Yum! 6. Martinis with Mama when she came to visit. 7. My two babies at home who I miss dearly! 8. School closed for a snow day :). 9 & 10. Viva Glam Nicki, loving it so far!

I've seen people post some Instagram photos on their blogs before and I honestly loved the idea. I have decided to do an Instagram recap every month to share on my blog. Since February just passed two days ago, here is my monthly recap. February, I must say, was a good month. It was filled with a good amount of adventures and fun times. I usually take more than 10 Instagrams a month but I guess I slacked a little in February. Maybe I'll have more exciting ones in March. Hope everyone starts their month off right. Here's to spring coming soon!

follow me on instagram: @megmarra

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